Extracting some goodness

I am not a “fish person”. My husband loves fish. Rachel and Chris do not like fish too. I think it’s because the mother does not like fish, and it’s natural that she does not feed them enough fish for them to love fish!

I have recently made an conscientious effort to include fish in our menu. It’s for that “feeling good” to cook for the loved ones. A doctor friend said, “At our age, “feeling good” is a non purchasable commodity, hope you have lots of it.”

Not being able to purchased? Probably, we could keep those we still have!

bp asked what I would be doing with my “catch” yesterday. Here is one, the famous foochow (or is it?) “zou cai fish head”.

It’s nothing new and easy to cook. But probably the two tips of taking away the strong fishy smell could be handy. Of course, for a start, we must have absolutely fresh fish. Like the “Patin” I got from Kapit yesterday.

This is all you need. “zou cai”, rice wine, ginger, fish head. But, Oop! I have forgotten the garlic!

I clean the fish with some ginger to take away the strong fishy smell. You could also add in some lemon slices.

I also steam the fish for 1 to 2 minutes and drain the “fishy water” away.
But, if you love fish, you do not need to do the two steps.

The ginger and the garlic

The “zou cai” (preserved vegetables)

Add in the parts of fish head, stir fry and add in the foochow rice (red) wine
Add in water and bring to boil until cook. Seasoning include salt and pepper.

There you are, the “zou zai fishhead soup”! Quote my husband, “It’s interesting! It’s heavenly!”

And the lesson for the cook in preparing this dish today for lunch?

It is not the nature of our circumstances. It is the nature of our heart. I may not be a “fish person”. Am I willing to be used to bring that heavenly feeling in a “fish person”? Am I available to be used by Him to always extract goodness from?

March 8 is Malaysian 12th election polling date, I am voting! I may not find the perfect person, but I am looking for someone who is willing and available for people to extract some goodness from!