A Tale of Two Birds

yingks asked,

I am a positive pessimist. Are you?

According to this young man,

a positive pessimist is one who envisages the worse possible situation and plans how to avoid it. He anticipates a glommy tomorrow, and thus does what he can today to make tomorrow a bright and lovely day.

That leads me to the tale of two birds. These two birds react differently to the threat of a storm. First, the turkey. The turkey reacts by running under a barn, hoping the storm won't come near.

Then, the eagle. The eagle rides the air currents of the approaching storm knowing that it will be carried higher in the sky and it can soar on its own.

Which are you? A turkey or an eagle?

I have just sent a young journalist to A'Fomosa for a working trip. He came back and tell me, "I can fly!"

I said, you did not fly. Obviously offended, he said, well, at least I dare to embrace the wind.

It really takes a lot of faith to be an eagle! On this last day of March, looking back over the 31-day period of loss and uncertainty in my life, in the life of friends, I find the new meaning to the tale of the two birds.

Should I live in content in the barnyard of comfort pretending that all the securities I need is there? Or should I soar like an eagle out of my comfort zone beleving that God wants me to soar higher in my relationship with Him?

Keep Me In Your Heart

This is not a good month. A number of things happened. And the month is not over yet. And even in April, it’s Ching Ming!

First, it was the death of Ker-May, a dear friend in Girls’ Brigade. Ker-May was only 38.

It followed with the death of my auntie, my late father’s sister-in-law. She was 88.

My colleague’s father died of cancer at the age of 59 the following week.

The husband of another dear friend in Girls’ Brigade met in a road accident with head injuries. At this moment of writing, he is still in ICU.

Then, this morning, the father of a dear friend also passed on. I have wanted to meet him during the coming Easter week in person when I have a trip to Sing-Land. I want to meet this fine man who has raised such fine child as this dear friend and probably to learn some secrets from him.

Are you hearing about a lot about people dying these days? Again and again, we say, “Life is so fragile.” Yet, we continue to waste so precious a gift as life.

May be I am getting old. Well, I am getting old.

Warren Zevon’s Keep Me In Your Heart has not been more meaningful to me any other time than today –

Shadows are falling and I’m running out of breath
Keep me in your heart for a while

If I leave you it doesn’t mean I love you any less
Keep me in your heart for awhile

When you get up in the morning and you see that crazy sun
Keep me in your heart for awhile

There’s a train leaving nightly called when all is said and done
Keep me in your heart for awhile

Keep me in your heart for awhile

Keep me in your heart for awhile

Sometimes when you’re doing simple things around the house
May be you’ll think of me and smile

You know I’m tied to you like the buttons on your blouse
Keep me in your heart for awhile

Hold me in your thoughts, take me to your dreams
Touch me as I fall into view

When the winter comes keep the fires lit
And I will be right next to you.

Warren Zevon is a singer-songwriter who died of lung cancer in September 2003. A year before his death, his friend David Letterman asked what he intended to do with the time he had left, Sevon replied that he intended to enjoy every sandwich. There is really much wisdom in learning to “enjoy every sandwich”. During Zevon’s last year, he spent much of his limited time with his two grown-up children.

This post is specially for this dear friend in Sing-Land at the time of his loss – I’m sure he will keep his father in his heart for a long, long time.

I have earlier sent him a poem, I am Not Gone, and thought many of my friends here would be touched by this poem, copyright of wisehearts.com:

I am not gone

I am not gone, I am changed.
Have faith and please believe me.
God did not take me away from you,
He split the skies and received me.

Now …

I'm an echo in your laughter,
a reflection in your tears,
an extra thread of strength
to help you overcome your fears.

I'm an added ray of sunshine,
more joy for you to share,
a fragrance of the life you live.
Wherever you are – I am there.

Only Human!

"Stuff" of life

I have always taken it as great pride and joy when Chris (my 10-year-old boy) waves goodbye to me after I drop him off at the school gate every morning. He waves goodbye when he closes the car door, and turns to wave goodbye after a few steps, and turn back again ….

"Stuff of Life" was posted on October 19 last year. Chris continues to wave goodbye to me every time I drop him off. This morning, I dropped him off right in front of a traffic police. After the usual "goodbye", as I was about to leave, the traffic police knocked at my window.

I thought, a warning that I should not stop for too long to say goodbye? But, his smile did not give a hint.

So, I pressed the button (power-window lah!) to wind down the window.

With a big smile, he said, "Your son is so cute. I have not seen another child waving goodbye to their parents here at the school gate. He is not even scare of me standing right here"

I remember fishtail commented that Chris was not being insecure for waving goodbye to mummy so many times. He said Chris wanted to stay connected till he met mummy again after school.

Today, I learn that traffic police are only human who want to stay connected with the people. So, the next time if a taffic police stop you, do not flash your "press card" so fast, give him a big smile. He may only want to stay connected with beautiful people like you and me!

Whom Should I Love More?

The Borneo Post carries this AFP story today,

British men love football twice as much as their women

London: British men show far more loyalty, commitment and self-sacrifice towards their favourite football team than towards their partners, according to a study.

Some 94 percent said they would never stop loving their team no matter how bad they were while 32 percent would galdly ditch a relatinship that was not going well, the survey of approximately 2,000 men across Britain found.

Psychologist Aric Sigman said: "If men showed the same fidelity, commitment, self-sacrifice and honesty toward their partners, the divorce rate would halve overnight. In an age where politicians' loyalties are seen as chameleonic, where jobs and relatinships come and go, loyalty is now reserved for something men feel they can actually believe in: football."

The story continues with like a quarter of men admitted they would miss a family fineral to watch a game…

God commands us to love Him and people. There are times when you need to love God more than people.

Jesus said, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters – yes even his own life – he cannot be my disciple.: (Luke 14:26 NIV)

Jesus is using hyperbole – hyped-up language – to teach two things:

Your love for God is to be greater than your love for any person – even those closest to you.

You need to obey God rather than people.

That's it – love God more than people. God wants us to have an enormous love for every person in your life. But he wants you to have a love for him that's even bigger!

Well, how about that for a Monday morning? I am off to Cats City for two days!

A matter of Life and Death – and Life!

I read a very thought-provoking post titled Irony of Life by Vagus. I was linked to the story from Malaysian Medical Resources.

While I was much "nearer" to death itself this month, I posted the following comment at Vagus' site at that spur of moment –

Hi, linked here from MMR. Actually have been reading your blog for quite sometimes, not so regular, but frequent enough to have a glimpse into your “world”.

Perhaps to answer what’s life, we have to ask what is death. Life has four basic things opposite to death.

If death is fear, life is trust, hope and confidence.
If death is guilt, life is acceptance, security and assurance.
If death is hostility, then life is love, friendliness and even reaching out to others.
If death is emptiness, then life is fulfillment, fullness, good feelings.

I "experienced" three deaths for March alone.

The first death was a dear friend in Girls’ Brigade. She was 38, not married, dedicated one third of her life in the Girls’ Brigade Ministry. Attending her funeral service were hundreds of young girls whom she had nurtured and as the motto of Girls’ Brigade, bring girls to be followers of Christ.

It was trust, hope, confidence, acceptance, security, assurance, love, friendliness, fullness of life. It was not death.

The second death was my auntie. She was 88. The pastor shared on “Going Home”. The auntie was received by the Lord to His Home!

The third death was my colleague’s father. He was 59. The pastor shared an evangelical message, probably most of the family members and relatives are non-Christians.

I also attended a memorial service of my uncle. This uncle fought a good fight with the cancer cells for 5 years. He was 80 when he died in January 2006. At the memorial service, his book was launched. It was a colourful life, dedicated to family, society and especially towards the Chinese education. He was a millionaire. He did not die a millionaire.

These were totally different experiences.

If you have to look at what is death – fear, guilt, hostility, emptiness. Death is actually not the one waiting at the end of our life, it is something most of us experience right now. Can I say many of us are dead even if we are alive!

Just some thoughts to share!

Not long ago, I read a story of a very wealthy and well-liked man. Let's call him Ted.

When Ted died and his will being read, the family found Ted's plans for his own funeral! More than anything else, Ted wanted to be buried in his prized possession: a gold-plated, diamond-studded Rolls Royce convertible worth over a million dollars. Ted's family loved him dearly, so they followed his funeral plans exactly.

The day of his funeral came. Just as he wished, Ted was propped up in the backseat wearing his most expensive suit. His eyes were glued open and his mouth was pasted in a huge smile. The funeral procession through town to Ted's burial place included marching bands and Cadillacs full of VIPs. As the chauffeur-driven car came into view, the crowds cheered and clapped wildly for Ted.

Meanwhile, down by the railroad tracks, a stranger hopped off a slow-moving freight train hoping to find something to eat in town. Attracted by the noise on Main Street, the man pushed through the crowd. Seeing the marching bands and carloads of important-looking people pass by, he whistled in amazement.

And when the gold Rolls Royce came into view, the stranger's eyes grew side. Seeing the grand passenger sitting in the expensive convertible and hearing the wild applause of the crowd, the stanger could contain his excitement no longer. Pointing to Ted, he exclaimed to those around him,

"Now that's what I call really living."

Majorly clueless, wasn't he? Ted had all the appearances of living well, but as he paraded along in the Rolls Royce, he could not have been more dead!

What is death?

Perhaps, this Bible verse answers,

All who are related to Christ …. will be given new life.
1 Corinthians 15:22

A new life planned for us by Christ is far better than being propped up in a Rolls Royce for a parade!

The Wonders of the Word of God

Since the beginning of the year, members have been assigned to write on the reflection of the sermon and print in the following week’s bulletin. Many members express their fear being assigned such a big task. However, Sundays after Sundays, I am quite amazed by their thoughts and expressions through words. My Reflection on one Sunday is picked up by the newsletter of Sarawak Methodist Churches, called Connection.

Here it is –

Just as the world has 7 wonders, the Bible also has its wonders.

The wonders of its inspirationAll scripture is God-breathed, that is inspired.

The wonders of its formationIt presents a unified portrait of God’s plans and purpose. It is an entire library of different kind of literature. It has its diverseness and uniqueness.

The wonders of preservationsIt is flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.

The wonders of its designIt is described as a sword, a hammer, a mirror, a burning fire and a lamp.

The wonders of its powerSo is my word that goes out from my mouth; It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isa. 5:11)

The wonders of its messageThe Word of God is all about hope in a hopeless world.

The wonders of its promisesIt promises salvation, forgiveness of sins, eternal life, Jesus coming again and promises of hope.

There are three benefits of reading the Bible:

The benefits of life – Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word tht comes from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)

The benefits of wisdom – The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. (Psalm 19:7)

The benefits of joy – The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.


Indeed, what a marvel the Bible is. It brings us face-to-face with our God. The relationship is so real and personal that it seems to be a face-to-face encounter. For many, the Bible has unfolded to them the meaning of their lives. It restores when nothing else can do so. It arouses a sense of true worship, grounded in the truth. That’s the marvel of the Bible, the Word of God. How wonderful that we should have it in our hands.

Consider this prayer of Henry Van Dyke and make it our prayer:

Grant us the knowledge that we need
To solve the questions of the mind
Light Thou our candles, while we read
To keep our hearts from going blind
Enlarge our vision to behold
The wonders Thou hast wrought of old!

Posted in Soul Quest. Comments Off on The Wonders of the Word of God

Beauty of God

“I should lose weight this year.” Chris said to his sister, Rachel this afternoon on the way back from school.

Rachel asked, “Why this year?”

“Next year in August I will be 12. I must have a handsome photograph in MyKad. I need to carry that card until 18. I do not want to have an ugly photo to hold and carry for six long years.” Chris answered.

Rachel and I plus Chris all bursted into laughter.

Rachel said, “Why I did not have such idea when I was 11. My photo in MyKad is so awful.”

Mummy said,

Let the beauty of the Lord be upon both of you!

What is the beauty of God?

Why is God beautiful?

God is beautiful because of two things –


Truth is always associated with beauty. What is not true is always not beautiful.

Love is warm. Love is gracious. Love is attractive. Love is beautiful.

So, love + truth = beauty

If your life is characterized by love and truth, it is beautiful!

Where can you get those – love and truth? The only place you can get those is from God. So the Psalmist prays,

Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, (Psalms 90:17a KJV)
and establish thou the work of our hands upon us,
yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. (Pslams 90:17b RSV)

If the beauty of the Lord is upon you, Rachel and Chris, you can carry it all the days of your life!

Listen! That Still Small Voice

The Borneo Post reports today –

An Englishman who cycled all the way from China is stranded in Bintulu as he has fractured his left leg in a hit-and-run accident during the last Lunar New Year celebration.

A woman driver was said to have hit Gerald Joseph Roman who was consequently hospitalized for six weeks. He has been discharged andis now being taken care of by the Calvary Baptist Church.

The 54-year-old man might have to give up cycling because of the injuries, and he might have to go to China to take up Tai Chi lessons instead.

Desperate Gerald is now appealing for help to trace the driver who knocked him at 10:30 am on January 31 at Lebuh Abang Galau.

(paragraphs omitted)

Gerald was disappointed that the woman driver had no conscience to offer help to him after the accident.

“I am willing to pay a cash token for the public to help.”

(the stories continues …and ends with – The public can call 019-xxxxxxx or 086-xxxxxx for Reverend xxxxx if there is any information on the white wagon car and its driver.)

Incidentally, Chris (my son, aged 10) was pushed to a corner in the carpark of his school’s compound by a car driven by one of the school teachers. Chirs landed in a drain and injured his knee. The teacher did not stop to help. His classmates helped him up from the drain.

While the mummy was about to open her mouth and commented, Chris said, “Mummy, that teacher is very old. He is going to retire soon. May be he did not know that he caused my fall.”

What a forgiving spirit of a child!

What helpful classmates!

Conscience has been defined as “that still, small voice that makes you feel smaller still,” or, as one little child put it, “It is that which feels bad when everything else feels good."

Through the forgiving spirit of a child, I feel that consience may not be a safe guide by itself. The moral standard we hear from that "still little voice" can be quite wrong when viewed in the light of God's revelation.

Perhaps, the saftest guide is that well-known doxology we quote so frequently:

Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working you that which is pleasing in his sight. (Hebrews 13:20-22 RSV)


DIGI deposits in my Emotional Bank Account!

To say that I am faithful is self-praise. To say that I fear change is a confession.

My first connection on mobile is Maxis. When Maxis was first introduced to Sarawak, I was one of the “privileged journalists” to be given a nice number plus a stylish handphone. It was a tie for two years. I took the offer. I started with the connections Maxis provided for Kuching, Sibu and Miri. When I traveled to other towns like Bintulu, Sarikei and Mukah, my connection was cut off. I did not mind having to use the public phone at Bintulu airport.

I remain faithful to Maxis, till today. Over the years, I do meet my corporate clients like Celcom and DIGI who gently pass the message to me hoping to “connect me with people” through their services.

I remain faithful to Maxis.

I am not a big spender on phone calls. For Maxis, customer like me is like what the Chinese politician, poet, strategist, Cao Cao (155-220) said, “Chicken feet (claws), chicken feet, throwing you away is a waste, but there is no taste in you.”

I remain faithful to Maxis.

For two consecutive days, DIGI runs “What if?” advertisement in my newspaper –

Yesterday, DIGI asked –


This is the spirit that drives thinkers, inventors and innovators. And because of them, the quality of life on this planet has improved. It all starts with a question, “What if?”

What if we kept looking at the way things are and asked,
“What if?” And then applied that energy to make things a little

Today, DIGI hints, and deposits further in my Emotional Bank Account (read my post on Monday)


Customers are people. Our Company is also about people. This sounds obvious, doesn’t it? May be. But it helps us realize that our real assets lie in people. People like you. This shift in focus has led us to look intensely at our products and services and ask, “What if?”

What if we gave you surprisingly low rates? What if we just dropped our monthly fees completely? What if we let you
call the world at local rates? And what if we continued to improve things? And then measured our success by how you feel about our services?

Today, I am still able to sing to Maxis –

Of course I still love you
for the sun still rises and sets
And the moon still rules the tide
And my heart still beats in yearning
And my soul still lives in longing …

Of course I still love you …
For you’v become the air I breathe
The stars I see
The song I sing
Of course ..
How can I not love you?

But what if DIGI waived the the monthly fee? What if DIGI let me call the world at local rates?

I may change!

Status of Our Accounts

At the memorial service of my late uncle yesterday, the Second Finance Minister, Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh recalled my late uncle telling him that each one of us should have two accounts.

One account is your personal saving accounts. For this account, it is best that the deposits be more than the withdrawals so that there is always balances for the rainy days.

As for the other account, it is our social responsibility. What we draw from the society must be equal to what we give back (deposit) to the society. It is also best that the desposit be always more than the withdrawal.

That reminds me of the emotional bank account –

The emotional bank account (EBA) is a metaphor for the amount of trust that exists in a relaitonship. It suggests that every interaction with another human being may be classified as a deposit or withdrawal.
Deposits build and repair trust in relationships. Withdrawals lessen trust in relationships.

– Stephen Covey

What are the deposits in the EBA?

Kindness and Courtesy
Keeping Promises
Honouring Expectations
Loyalty to the Absent (when you say something about some, say it in front of that person)
Making Aplogies

The Withdrawals?

Unkindness and Discourtesy
Breaking Promises
Violating Expectations
Disloyalty, Duplicity (double-minded)
Pride, conceit, arrogance.

Yan's thoughts –

EBA is different from the bank account in that you don't deposit in order to make withdrawals! Deposit has to be done with sincerity.

Keep depositing.