Being Tagged

I have been tagged byJust me on five things you don’t know about me.

Probably, the ‘big thing’ you don’t know about me is I am dyslexia. Huh? Yes, I am. I am going to tell you what I don’t know how to do being dyslexic.

I am not going to count because I don’t count. I don’t count well. I remember when I was in Primary school, when we started to learn the times table (2×2 equals 4 etc), my teacher hit hard on my palm 99 times because I only get one correct, that is 2×1 is 2. Today, still very much handicapped with the times table, thanks to technology, there is a thing called calculator.

I learnt my Chinese first. That was an advantage to a dyslexia. Because I only concentrated on one language. I learnt Chinese well, but not without tears and pains. Thanks to my father who had treasures of Chinese classic stories that attracked me.

I learnt my English only when I entered fourth form. Thanks to my Engish teacher from India, Francis! I wrote about him somewhere in this blog. read it here

I never get to settle with Bahasa Malaysia! I just could not grasp the logic of per, me, kan…

Yes, I am dyslexic. But I read pretty well. I write articles too, both Chinese and English. Thanks to God for working on me, and still working on me…. I always borrow the words of Robert Brownings to tell my significant other or good friends –

Grow old with me, The best is yet to be!

Well, it’s my prayer too!

3 Responses to “Being Tagged”

  1. doc Says:

    whatever you were & whatever you will be, you are doing a GREAT job NOW.

    God bless!

  2. Yan Says:

    Thanks, doc!

    That’s very encouraging.

    God Bless you and yours too!


  3. just me Says:

    I am much encouraged to see how God is using you

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